Liquidity Providers and Market Makers
Liquidity Providers/Prime Liquidity Providers
All liquidity providers under the different Liquidity Provider Provisions will be required to flag all relevant orders and quotes on the LuxSE systems as follows:
- Account code 6 on LuxSE Markets
Registration processĀ
All LuxSE members acting as Liquidity Providers must complete the Registration Form thus confirming their understanding and acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions that apply to all LuxSE instruments. All documents are available below.
For further details, please contact the Market & Surveillance (M&S) Department.
Market Makers
If there is a liquid market for equities and ETFs, LuxSE offers Market Making Schemes.
As a reminder, market makers - whether under a scheme or only under an agreement - will be required, amongst other things, to post firm, simultaneous two-way quotes of comparable size and competitive prices, and deal on their own account during at least half of the daily trading hours over a single calendar month period.
Market Makers Registration Process
Upon entering into the Market Making Agreement through the completion of the Registration Form, members are eligible to apply for a Market Making Scheme for each specific product individually, unless indicated otherwise.
For further details, please contact the Market and Surveillance (M&S) Department.
Market Making Schemes
Market makers under the different Market Making Schemes or under the Agreement will be required to flag all relevant orders and quotes on LuxSE’s Order Entry systems as follows:
- Account code 6 on LuxSE Cash Markets, combined with Algorithm flagged for the MiFID II field "ExecutionWithinFirmShortCode"
Stressed market conditions
During SMC, market makers’ presence will continue to be monitored.
SMC are considered to arise, in relation to a financial instrument that is subject to a contractual Market Making Scheme with LuxSE and that is declared to be ‘liquid security’ by ESMA, in the following situations:
- When a trading halt is triggered during continuous trading, the 10-minute period following the resumption of trading will be considered as SMC.
- Other events where LuxSE (M&S Department) anticipates there will be significant short-term changes in price or volume. In such cases, members who participate in a Market Making Scheme will be notified.
Exceptional market circumstances
Please see below examples of Exceptional Market Circumstances (EMC):
Extreme volatility |
Happens when volatility halt is triggered for 50% of financial instruments traded on a segment in relation to which the obligation to sign a Market Making Agreement applies. It is manually triggered by the M&S Department in case of such an event. Duration: 60 minutes. |
War, industrial action, civil unrest, cyber sabotage |
The M&S Department triggers a LuxSE management decision. |
Disorderly trading conditions |
Apply if half or more of the most active trading members (based on the number of trades) lose their connectivity. The M&S Deparment triggers a LuxSE management decision. |
Technological and risk management issues, or inability to hedge positions due to short selling ban |
If a member immediately informs LuxSE about technical problems impeding it from processing Market Making activities, and these problems are justified, we may suspend the Market Making obligations. |
Under EMC, there will be no quoting obligations and the performance monitoring will be suspended.