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LuxSE indices

LuxSE sustainable indices


1. Definitions

BMR” means Regulation (EU) 2016/2011 of the European Parliament and the Council of June 8, 2016 on indices used as benchmarks in financial instruments and financial contracts or to measure the performance of investment funds, as amended or supplemented from time to time.
LuxSE” means Luxembourg Stock Exchange.
LuxSE indices” means all indices determined and made available by LuxSE (or its licensors, as the case may be) as well as any related information or documentation made available by LuxSE.


2. BMR

Luxembourg Stock Exchange is only acting as an index provider. It is not registered as a benchmark administrator in accordance with art.3 (6) of BMR.
LuxSE indices shall, in no event, be used or considered, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, as benchmarks (as defined by art. 3 (3) of BMR). You are strictly prohibited from using, allowing or facilitating the use of the LuxSE indices for the following purposes:

  • Determine the value or price at which a financial instrument may be bought, sold, traded or redeemed;
  • Determine any amount or interest payable in relation to financial contracts or instruments;
  • Measure the performance of financial instruments (e.g. investment funds); and/ or
  • Define the asset allocation of a portfolio.

3. LuxSE indices

LuxSE indices are proprietary and privilege LuxSE’s data. LuxSE Indices as well as the related information are made available for general information purposes.

To the extent permitted by any applicable laws, LuxSE disclaims any and all warranties and representations, express or implied, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use as to LuxSE indices or the results obtained by the use of LuxSE indices.

LuxSE indices cannot be disseminated, displayed, sold or distributed, in any manner, in whole or in part, freely or against payment, without the prior written consent of LuxSE. LuxSE indices are not tailored for every specific investors’ situations and may therefore not be suitable for you.
LuxSE indices are not and shall not be a substitute for your own researches, investigations, verifications, checks or consultation for professional or investment advice. You are using the LuxSE indices at your own risks. The future performance of a financial instrument and/ or LuxSE Indices cannot be deduced from their previous market value. Good performance in the past does not guarantee good performance in the future. Therefore, LuxSE cannot give any warranty that any capital invested on the basis of LuxSE indices will remain at the same level or will increase.

The provision of the LuxSE indices does not constitute and is not construed as any advice, solicitation, offer, endorsement, commitment or recommendation on behalf of LuxSE to invest in any financial instrument. It does not represent or constitute any warranty or representation from LuxSE in connection with the good standing, profitability, suitability or reliability of any financial instrument.

LuxSE cannot represent or warrant that the LuxSE indices will be updated, displayed or made available in real time.

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