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Connecting you to industry-leading data

Through our partnership with Euronext, all data gathered by the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE) is centralised using its Optiq platform, which you can source in real-time either directly from the Optiq platform or through a dedicated service provider
Market Data Gateway (MDG) protocol for real-time data
FTP connection
Lists on request
Web-linking and white-labelling
Market Data Gateway (MDG) protocol for real-time data
If you would like to access real-time data, data vendors must connect directly to Euronext through Secure Financial Transaction Infrastructure (SFTI) using MDG protocol. 

As Euronext hosts the technical platform of the Luxembourg market, access to real-time information from LuxSE is possible through the same infrastructure and protocols as for any other Euronext market feeds. 

To access our market feed, you first need to: 
  • Have access to the SFTI network either through dedicated access or through an Independent Software Vendor (ISV). For more information or to find the right ISV for your needs, please consult our list of ISVs
  • Develop or purchase an application that can decode feeds in MDG format

MDG protocol is based on the multicast dissemination of market messages. 

Using this feed does not require a procedure of the types "User Acceptance" or "Go Live" at Euronext and LuxSE.  All detailed technical information, enabling access to feeds and to decode MDG messages is available on the Euronext website: Euronext Cash Markets Client Specification

For additional technical information, please contact our Market Data Services experts directly.

If you need more information
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