Set your fund up for success with a listing at LuxSE
Bring your investment fund to Luxembourg, Europe’s largest fund centre, and enjoy international visibility while diversifying your investor base. Tap into LuxSE’s unique expertise in fund listings and benefit from the recognition that comes from being associated with a leading international exchange.
Fund listing at LuxSE
60+ years of fund listing experience
We cover the full spectrum of funds: ELTIFs, UCITS, RAIFs, SIFs, other AIFs and ETFs, and accommodate every strategy used in the market (e.g. active, passive, ESG, fixed-income and smart beta…)
Fast time-to-market
Benefit from a fast listing process for Luxembourg-domiciled regulated funds, typically 24h for returning funds
Transparent trading
Unlock regulatory advantages in fund trading at LuxSE on the leading Optiq trading platform
Preferred domicile for ELTIFs
Since 2015, Luxembourg has emerged as the domicile of choice for more than 60% of all ELTIFs, thanks to its leading fund centre and stable regulatory environment
Join LGX
Grant your eligible ESG investment funds additional visibility on the Luxembourg Green Exchange, the reference platform for sustainable securities
Professional Segments
Both our markets include Professional Segments limited to qualified investors, to make sure you target the right audience
Broaden your investor base
With the European Commission’s overall retail investment strategy and the European Long Term Investment Funds 2.0 promising to unlock new pools of investors across Europe, now is the time to broaden your investor base. As both institutional and retail investors tend to consider listed funds more favourable, and many institutional investors have restrictions on the proportion of assets they can allocate to unlisted securities, increase your chances of success by listing your investment fund at LuxSE.
Investing in listed funds can trigger tax advantages for individual investors. By listing your fund, you provide investors with the opportunity of a more favourable tax position, in full compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
Investing in listed funds can trigger tax advantages for individual investors. By listing your fund, you provide investors with the opportunity of a more favourable tax position, in full compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Foster greater transparency
Most fund listings are strategically conducted for regulatory reasons, and our markets seamlessly facilitate compliance. Investors find confidence in the fact that funds listed on exchanges are governed by transparency and disclosure regulations. A listing equals commitment to transparency and illustrates accountability, which fosters investor trust and confidence.
By listing your fund, you open up new channels for the dissemination of essential fund data, including NAVs and intraday pricing, and allow investors to access real-time pricing information. Retail investors need access to information which they can easily understand and compare, and which allow them to make more informed investment decisions. The units of listed funds can also be traded on our markets, offering investors an alternative exit option in case of need.
By listing your fund, you open up new channels for the dissemination of essential fund data, including NAVs and intraday pricing, and allow investors to access real-time pricing information. Retail investors need access to information which they can easily understand and compare, and which allow them to make more informed investment decisions. The units of listed funds can also be traded on our markets, offering investors an alternative exit option in case of need.

Let's talk funds
To learn more about the key categories of listed funds and the conditions for admission that apply to each category of fund, explore our new fund listing brochure “Let’s talk funds! Public and Private Funds Unveiled” and reach out to our fund experts to continue the conversation.

Learn more about funds at LuxSE
Rules and regulations
Listing application form for investment funds

Contact our experts

Ronny Alf
Product Manager
+352 47 79 36 229

Frank Biesen
Head of Prospectus Approvals
+352 47 79 36 305
Useful links
Why list in Luxembourg
List your security
Our markets and platforms