Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)
Secure the identification of your legal entity
In order to become an issuer on one of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE)'s two internationally recognised markets, a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is required.
What is an LEI?
An LEI code is a 20-digit completely unique and universal identifier that helps create greater certainty when identifying a legal entity involved in financial transactions and facilitate counterparty risk monitoring and systematic risk management.

Why do I need an LEI?
Due to the framework set out by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) and echoed in MiFID II [1] / MiFIR [2] and MAR [3], LuxSE is obliged to collect an LEI code from any issuer operating on our regulated market and/or on our Multilateral Trading Facility (Euro MTF) and communicate the code to the relevant supervisory authorities.

How do I apply for an LEI?
If you are a legal entity involved in financial transactions, you can apply for an LEI through one of the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF)'s recognised local operating units (LOUS).

If you need more information
We are conscious that choosing the right listing venue and obtaining your listing in time is mission critical!