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SSE green bond index
SSE Chinese Domestic Green Bond Index Series

Tracking the performance of Chinese Renminbi-denominated green bonds

Through the SSE Chinese Domestic Green Bond Indices series, together with the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE), we bring you information on the value of green bonds listed on SSE in real time.
What can I find in these indices? 
SSE’s Chinese Domestic Green Bond Index Series is composed of two indices that reflect the value of green bonds listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The indices aim to provide greater transparency and facilitate access to Chinese green securities for investors in Europe. The vast majority of the green bonds included in these indices have obtained an external review by independent third parties, ensuring a high level of transparency for investors. 
Composition of the SSE Index Series
The SSE Green Bond Index Series contains the following two indices:
Our index partner
Shanghai Stock Exchange
"SSE Green Corporate Bond Index and SSE Green Bond Index launched by SSE and China Securities Index Company Limited will bring the information of mainland China's green bond market to the international market, a good start for SSE and Luxembourg Stock Exchange to gradually build information connections and business cooperation."
Mr Zhang Dongke, Vice Chairman of Shanghai Stock Exchange

SSE Green Bond Index Series – Eligible categories

All Chinese domestic green bonds displayed on SSE's Green Bond Index Series use a recognised green bond guidelines that define what constitutes eligible projects to be financed by a Chinese domestic green bond.

All Chinese domestic green bonds listed at SSE apply the following set of guidelines:
  • Green Bond Endorsed Project Catalogue (2021 edition)
  • China Green Bond Principles (2022)
Green Bond Endorsed Project Catalogue (2021 edition)
China Green Bond Principles (2022) - CN + EN
For the purposes of the present note, “BMR” means Regulation (EU) 2016/2011 of the European Parliament and the Council of June 8, 2016 on indices used as benchmarks in financial instruments and financial contracts or to measure the performance of investment funds, as amended or supplemented from time to time.

The SSE Chinese domestic Green Bond Index and the SSE Green Corporate Bond Index (the “Indices”) are proprietary and privilege data of Shanghai Stock Exchange (“SSE”). SSE has appointed China Securities Index Company Limited (“CSI”) to be its index business agency. Although CSI has made its best efforts to ensure the accuracy of the Indices and all related information (collectively the “Information”), CSI cannot guarantee the accuracy, timeless or completeness of the Information. The Information is made available for general information purposes. It cannot be disseminated, displayed, sold or distributed, in any manner, in whole or in part, freely or against payment, without the prior written consent of CSI. Neither SSE nor CSI are registered or authorized as benchmark administrators in accordance with art. 3(6) of BMR.

The Indices shall, in no event, be used or considered, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, as benchmarks (as defined by art. 3(3) of BMR – as defined below). You are strictly prohibited from using, allowing or facilitating the use of the Indices for the following purposes:
  • Determine the value or price at which a financial instrument may be bought, sold, traded or redeemed;
  • Determine any amount or interest payable in relation to financial contracts or instruments;
  • Measure the performance of financial instruments (e.g. investment funds); and/ or
  • Define the asset allocation of a portfolio.
  • The Information is not tailored for specific investors’ situations and may therefore not be suitable for you. The Information is not and shall not be a substitute for your own researches, investigations, verifications, checks or consultation for professional or investment advice.
Although the Indices and the Information are displayed on its website, Luxembourg Stock Exchange (“LuxSE”) cannot and shall not be considered as (i) endorsing the Indices (in the sense of art. 33 of BMR) and (ii) acting in any manner as attorney, agent or representative of SSE or CSI. LuxSE does not give any representation or warranty and disclaims any liability or responsibility of any kind in connection with the accuracy, correctness, timeliness, fitness for a particular purpose, reliability or completeness of the Information. LuxSE does not accept any liability or responsibility of any kind for any loss or damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of, or any action refrained or taken on any Information. The Information does not constitute and is not construed as any advice, solicitation, offer, endorsement, commitment or recommendation on behalf of LuxSE to (i) invest in any financial instrument and/ or (ii) follow or use the Indices as a benchmark or reference. The publication of the Information by LuxSE does not represent or constitute any warranty or representation from LuxSE in connection with the good standing, profitability, suitability or reliability of any financial instrument and/ or of the Indices. LuxSE cannot represent or warrant that the Information will be updated, displayed or made available in real time and/ or without any delay.
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