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CCDC index series
CCDC Index Series

Explore bonds on China Central Depository & Clearing (CCDC) from Luxembourg

Get market data from four of China Central Depository & Clearing (CCDC)’s domestic green bond indices in real time.
What can I find in these indices?
As part of CCDC’s strategy to support the establishment of green finance in China, it has developed four domestic green bond indices that can help you find market performance data on Chinese domestic green bonds mainly used to support projects in China, including clean transportation and green finance.
Composition of CCDC’s Index Series
The CCDC Green Bond Index Series contains the following four indices:

ChinaBond China Climate-Aligned Bond Index

All selected green bonds displayed on the ChinaBond China Climate-Aligned Bond Index must conform to the Green Bond Endorsed Project Catalogue (2021 edition) in addition, the bond must also fulfil Climate Bonds Initiative's eligibility taxonomy. If the proceeds of the bond are not entirely allocated to green projects, at least 95% or more of the issuers main business income must come from green industry projects in line with the Green Bond Endorsed Projects Catalogue (2021 edition), Climate Bonds Initiative's Climate Bond Standard and the China Green Bond Principles (2022).
ChinaBond China Climate-Aligned Bond Index - Methodology
Constituents Recognition Methodology
Climate Bonds Initiative's Climate Bond Standard (2015)
China Green Bond Principles (2022)
Green Bond Endorsed Projects Catalogue (2021 edition)

ChinaBond China Green Bond Select Index

This index includes bonds that have been certified as green by third parties or that have use-of-proceeds, issuer’s industries, main business or major products disclosed in the issuance documents aligned with the following green bond standards: 
Green Bond Endorsed Project Catalogue (2021 edition)
China Green Bond Principles (2022)
Climate Bonds Initiative's Climate Bonds Standards (2015)
ICMA Green Bond Principles (2015)
If there is not enough information provided regarding the bond’s use of proceeds, the issuer’s industries, its main business scope, and its products and revenues will be considered as references for the purpose of identification. If the issuer’s main business falls within the green industry and its main business revenues account for at least 50% of its total revenue, the bond will be included on this index.  
ChinaBond China Green Bond Select Index – Methodology
Constituents Recognition Methodology

ChinaBond China Green Bond Index

Bonds included on this index have either been certified as green by third parties or have use-of-proceeds, issuer’s industries, main business or major products disclosed in the issuance documents aligned with the following green bond standards: 
Green Bond Endorsed Project Catalogue (2021 edition)
China Green Bond Standards (2022)
Climate Bonds Initiative's Climate Bonds Standards (2015)
ICMA Green Bond Principles (2015)
In the case where not enough information is available regarding the bond’s use of proceeds, the industries in which an issuer operates, its main business scope, major products and revenues from main business shall be considered as references for the purpose of identification. If an issuer's main business is in a green industry and the revenue from its main business accounts for at least 50% of its total revenue, the bond will be included in this index. 
ChinaBond China Green Bond Index – Methodology
Constituents Recognition Methodology

ChinaBond ICBC Green Bond Index

The index includes green bonds with a total value of no less than CNY 300 million with a time to maturity of no less than 1 month, which have been issued on the China Interbank Bond Market.

All selected green bonds displayed on the ChinaBond ICBC Green Bond Index must conform to the Green Bond Endorsed Project Catalogue (2021 edition).

Eligible constituents of the index are aligned with the following green bond standard and follow the appropriate methodology:
Green Bond Endorsed Projects Catalogue (2021 edition)
ChinaBond ICBC Green Bond Index – Methodology
For the purposes of the present note, “BMR” means Regulation (EU) 2016/2011 of the European Parliament and the Council of June 8, 2016 on indices used as benchmarks in financial instruments and financial contracts or to measure the performance of investment funds, as amended or supplemented from time to time.

The ChinaBond China Climate-Aligned Bond Index, ChinaBond China Green Bond Index and ChinaBond China Green Bond Select Index (the “Indices”) are proprietary and privilege data of China Central Depository & Clearing Co., Ltd (“CCDC”). CCDC has appointed ChinaBond Pricing Center Co., Ltd (“ChinaBond”) to be its index business agency. Although ChinaBond has made its best efforts to ensure the accuracy of the Indices and all related information (collectively the “Information”), ChinaBond cannot guarantee the accuracy, timeless or completeness of the Information. The Information is made available for general information purposes. It cannot be disseminated, displayed, sold or distributed, in any manner, in whole or in part, freely or against payment, without the prior written consent of ChinaBond. Neither CCDC nor ChinaBond are registered or authorised as benchmark administrators in accordance with art. 3(6) of BMR.

The Indices shall, in no event, be used or considered, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, as benchmarks (as defined by art. 3(3) of BMR – as defined below). You are strictly prohibited from using, allowing or facilitating the use of the Indices for the following purposes:
  • Determine the value or price at which a financial instrument may be bought, sold, traded or redeemed;
  • Determine any amount or interest payable in relation to financial contracts or instruments;
  • Measure the performance of financial instruments (e.g. investment funds); and/ or
  • Define the asset allocation of a portfolio.
The Information is not tailored for specific investors' situations and may therefore not be suitable for you. The Information is not and shall not be a substitute for your own researches, investigations, verifications, checks or consultation for professional or investment advice.

Although the Indices and the Information are displayed on its website, Luxembourg Stock Exchange (“LuxSE”) cannot and shall not be considered as (i) endorsing the Indices (in the sense of art. 33 of BMR) and (ii) acting in any manner as attorney, agent or representative of SSE or CSI. LuxSE does not give any representation or warranty and disclaims any liability or responsibility of any kind in connection with the accuracy, correctness, timeliness, fitness for a particular purpose, reliability or completeness of the Information. LuxSE does not accept any liability or responsibility of any kind for any loss or damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of, or any action refrained or taken on any Information. The Information does not constitute and is not construed as any advice, solicitation, offer, endorsement, commitment or recommendation on behalf of LuxSE to (i) invest in any financial instrument and/ or (ii) follow or use the Indices as a benchmark or reference. The publication of the Information by LuxSE does not represent or constitute any warranty or representation from LuxSE in connection with the good standing, profitability, suitability or reliability of any financial instrument and/ or of the Indices. LuxSE cannot represent or warrant that the Information will be updated, displayed or made available in real time and/ or without any delay.
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