To ensure the firmest prices on our LuxXPrime platform, we teamed up with our PLPs. For each LuxXPrime instrument, the monthly PLP Performance Reports show the monthly presence of our PLP within the minimum requirements and a time-weighted average spread calculated based on the prices provided by our PLP within the minimum quantity requirement.
The performance of our PLP is measured using only two-sided orders with firm prices taken into account. This calculation looks at the 2-way quoted and resulting spreads quoted for a specific security over the course of a normal trading day and is weighted by the duration of the given spread.
In each PLP performance report, all LuxXPrime instruments are featured with the following information:
Market Identifier Code |
ISIN code of the instrument |
Instrument name |
The name of the instrument |
Currency |
The trading currency of the instrument |
Issuer |
The name of the issuer of the instrument |
Coupon |
Coupon of the instrument |
Maturity |
Maturity date of the instrument |
The yield to maturity of the instrument |
Two-way quotes |
Indication that PLP is obliged to provide two-side prices for the instrument |
Monthly presence (%) |
PLP presence rate in the order book within the minimum conditions during continuous trading hours for the instrument |
Monthly average spread (bps) |
Time-weighted average spread in bps during continuous trading hours for the instrument |